Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
AMDè il meccanismo di porta di piano che soddisfa qualsiasi tipo di applicazione: da edifici residenziali a quelli ad alto traffico come uffici e hotel.
Grazie al concetto modulare AMD può essere adattato in modo ottimale ad ogni applicazione.
Le dimensioni compatte assicurano un’elevata flessibilità specialmente nel caso di modernizzazioni.
Modularità (possibilità di accoppiare AMD1 con AMD2 su porta di piano o cabina di ogni tipo)
Design compatto
Ampia gamma con 6 tipi di porta
Rotelle in poliuretano (a richiesta)
Basso numero di componenti che comporta un ridotto numero di ricambi ed una durata elevata
Prodotto universale: AMD1 rispetta le normative EN81, CSA NRTL/C, AS1735.2, Hong Kong “code of practice”
Soluzioni economiche con il miglior rapporto qualità / prezzo