Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Grazie alla propria esperienza pluriennale Wittur è in grado di eseguire progetti speciali “su misura” per ottenere componenti per ascensori unici, pienamente integrati in costruzioni di pregio.
Wittur collabora attivamente con architetti e progettisti per tradurre in sistemi funzionali le idee estetiche e valorizzare al meglio ogni realizzazione.
La disponibilità di prodotti di elevato impatto estetico quali ante in vetro e vetrate, porte tonde e cabine panoramiche vetrate, abbinata alla elevata capacità di personalizzazione e di lavorazione di ogni singolo componente, non pone vincoli alla qualità che è possibile ottenere.
Wittur fornisce inoltre componenti per ascensori con caratteristiche peculiari per mercati particolari:
Ascensori Marine a norme MED (Marine Equipment Directive) e alle direttive emesse dalla IMO (International Marine Organization)
Ascensori industriali con disponibilità di motori gearless e soluzioni idrauliche di elevata portata
Ascensori inclinati che si possono adattare alla conformazione fisica del territorio
Per questi progetti Wittur utilizza soluzioni innovative e componenti di sicurezza specifici dal suo patrimonio di oltre 300 brevetti internazionali.