Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
La porta Fineline, grazie ai suoi ingombri ridotti, ha come obiettivo quello di poter inserire porta di piano e porta di cabina in uno spazio estremamente limitato.
I vantaggi di Fineline sono evidenziati al meglio soprattutto nei casi di modernizzazione di ascensori già esistenti. Dove fino ad ora, a causa dello spazio limitato, era possibile installare solo una porta di cabina, ora è possibile installare anche una porta di piano.
Dimensioni d’ingombro estremamente ridotte: Porta di cabina + spazio tra soglie + porta di piano = 115 mm (configurazione a 2 o 4 ante telescopica)
Configurazione a 2 ante centrale con soglia dalle dimensioni ancora più ridotte: 85mm NEW!
Può essere usata sia come sistema di porte completo (porta di cabina e porta di piano) o in combinazione con porte a battente esistenti
Opzione disponibile: finestra nell' anta
Ideale per modernizzazioni di impianti esistenti
Rispetta le normative LD95/16 e EN81
Conforme a EN81-20/50
Ora disponibile con Car Door Lock
Esecuzione a 2 e 4 ante
Ingombro soglia ridottissimo
Fineline garantisce un ingombro ridottissimo del gruppo soglia: 115mm per le versioni a 4 ante e 85mm per le versioni a 2 ante.
Porte di piano standard: porta automatica completa con o senza stipiti, compresa di sospensione conforme alle normative EN81, ante in lamiera verniciata antiruggine, chiave di emergenza sull'anta, soglia in alluminio standard, paramento, fissaggio standard.
Disponibile in versione con porta di piano e porta di cabina automatiche e in versione con porta di cabina automatica abbinata a porta di piano a battente
Porta di piano in esecuzione con stipiti o senza stipiti
Stipiti con dimensioni variabili
Porte di piano con stipiti con certificazione EN81-58 E90 ed EW60
Esecuzione con ante simmetriche o asimmetriche
Spacco vetro
Bloccaggio porta piano per porte piano a battente
Detector WSE a raggi infrarossi con kit di fissaggio