Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Homelift è un ascensore progettato per rispondere a tutte le esigenze di trasporto verticale all'interno di immobili residenziali e di piccoli uffici. Homelift rappresenta una soluzione ideale per rispondere al bisogno di mobilità di persone anziane o diversamente abili: un accesso facile, comodo e sicuro ad un mondo senza scale.
Economico e conveniente rispetto ad un ascensore convenzionale
Silenzioso e facile da installare
Manutenzione ridotta al minimo
Non richiede un locale macchine
Ottimale sfruttamento della dimensione del vano
Connessione elettrica 220V non richiede impianto elettrico dedicato
Struttura versatile, facilmente adattabile ad installazioni preesistenti
Caratteristiche tecniche
Motore a corrente alternata monofase 220V
Duplice dispositivo di sicurezza (idraulico e meccanico)
Discesa automatica di emergenza in caso di interruzione dell'alimentazione elettrica
Tre opzioni per la dotazione di porte:
- Porta di cabina e porte di piano automatiche
- Porta di cabina automatica e porte di piano semiautomatiche
- Sicurezza elettronica sulla cabina e porte di piano semiautomatiche
Rispetta gli standard MD98/37/CE e pr EN81-41
Certificazione EC type
Assorbimeto corrente massimo: 2,2 kW 18A
Dimensioni massime cilindro idraulico: 70/7,5 mm
Peso massimo trasportabile: 385 kg
Velocità massima: 0,15 m/s
Distanza massima percorribile: 9 m
Sistema innovativo con arcata idraulica 2:1
Profondità minima fossa:
- 125 mm ( pavimento rivestito in materiale plastico)
- 140 mm ( pavimento rivestito in granito )
Altezza cabina: 2000 - 2100 mm
Pareti disponibili con rivestimento in lamiera verniciata, in acciaio inox, in lamiera plastificata