Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Since 1977 Wittur supplies the lift industry with versatile and high-quality doors.
Design flexibility, coupled with full range of certifications, makes Wittur landing doors suitable for every application.
A wide variety of available finishings and executions allows them to fit in every environment: from residential to exclusive office buildings, from exterior installations to luxurious marine projects, from industrial buildings to hospitals.
Centraline idrauliche per montacarichi progettate e costruite interamente da Wittur HD, finalizzate ad ottenere robustezza, affidabilità e massima capacità di carico (fino a 70 t complessive, 4 pistoni 1:1). Grazie ad una esperienza più che trentennale, Wittur HD ha ottimizzato ogni aspetto tecnico legato alle proprie centraline:
Motore fissato tramite smorzatori di vibrazioni
Facile manutenzione della valvola: corpo modulare facilmente accessibile
Blocco valvole con pistoni in alluminio induriti superficialmente per la massima affidabilità e prontezza di risposta: valvola non sensibile alle variazioni di pressione dovuti a carichi diversi
Gamma disponibile fino a 45 bar
Filtro-rubinetto esterno orientabile per facilitare la connessione da ogni posizione, semplificando la progettazione dell’impiantistica
Pompa a mano per la manovra di emergenza in salita integrata nel blocco valvole, in posizione facilmente accessibile. Disponibile anche in versione remotata
Vasta gamma che copre ogni esigenza applicativa (da 180 a 600 l/m, da 11 a 58,8 kW)
Disponibile in versione con motori tropicalizzati (optional)
Possibile estensione della gamma su richiesta specifica