Legal notes


The documentation, images, brands and other matter published and reproduced on this site is the property of Wittur, or granted by third parties to Wittur for use, and reproduction to the public is forbidden.

Responsibility of Wittur

Wittur shall not be held liable for the contents published on this site and to the use third parties may make of it, for any contamination deriving from the access, interconnection, and downloading of information programmes from this site. Wittur is not liable for damages, losses, or harm of any kind that third parties may suffer due to the contact made with this site, or following use of what has been published in the same, as also the software used. Any information communicated spontaneously by third parties to this site can be freely used by Wittur.
Any possibility to access websites managed by third parties through a link from this Site shall not imply any sharing or appreciation of the relevant content by Wittur. These websites accessible through links are not controlled by Wittur which, does not assume any responsibility for their contents or any changes or updates, or for any connections contained in them. Access to these sites, as well as the relevant contents, shall be regulated by the conditions of use of the respective sites.
It is understood that each reference on this site to products or services does not imply an offer of sale or supply and that the images relating to the products, as well as the methods with which the same are presented within this Site, are merely for illustration purposes.
Wittur authorises viewing and consultation of the materials available on this Site for exclusively personal use, any reproduction even partial of the same different from domestic or personal information use remains forbidden. No reproduction of this Site or of its parts, therefore, can be sold, distributed or otherwise used for commercial reasons, or changed or incorporated in any other work or publication in any form. Wittur reserves the right to pursue any non authorised use, or in any case contrary to the law, in the most appropriate civil and penal judicial headquarters.
This Site may contain a historical archive of information which will be provided exclusively for consultation by the user. Wittur reserves the right to change the contents of the Site at any time.
The information and news which can be shown in this Site are provided without any explicit or implicit guarantee of any kind; therefore, Wittur cannot be held liable for any imprecision or inexactness of the data communicated in it.
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