Landing door mechanism

 Landing door mechanism

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

Mechanism for landing door

All Wittur landing doors are also available as stand alone mechanisms.

Either you are designing a very special lift or a residential one, or modernizing an old building, you can find the right solution.
Mechanism for landing door

Hydra landing door mechanism

Hydra landing door mechanism is the Wittur multifunctional proposal: a system designed for maximum application flexibility.

The wide variety of executions can be used with any kind of application, from residential buildings up to office buildings and hotels.

Mechanism for landing door

Pegasus landing door mechanism

Pegasus landing door mechanism is the multifunctional answer to the requirement of a door capable of withstanding heavy traffic in hotels, public buildings, hospitals and shopping centres.

The large diameter of its rollers and the advanced materials ensure high smoothness.


  • High opening speeds and very smooth operation
  • Thanks to the particular resistance of the mechanism and the large diameter of its rollers, Pegasus offers high performances
  • Particularly suitable for large doors or significant weight

Mechanism for landing door

Augusta landing door mechanism

The Augusta landing door mechanism was designed to ensure the best performances in its range of market.

It's the best solution to satisfy the requirements of new residential buildings, of refurbishing installations, and over all of medium and low duty installations.

Mechanism for landing door

Hydra 3000 landing door mechanism

Hydra 3000 landing door mechanism is manufactured  in several configurations and executions.

Its small size guarantees an high flexibility and fits itself perfectly to all shaft conditions.

Mechanism for landing door

Fineline landing door mechanism

Fineline landing doors mechanism features an extremely compact footprint and has been designed to insert an automatic car door and an automatic landing door in a minimal depth.
Fineline advantages are very relevant in a modernization project for existing lifts.

  • Very compact footprint: car door + sill gap + landing door = 115 mm
  • Can be used as a compelte dorr system (car door and landing door) or combined with existing swing doors
  • Ideal for modernization of existing lifts
  • Compliant with 95/16/CE directive, EN81 and EN81-80 (SNEL) standards and norms for disabled people

Mechanism for landing door

AMD 1 landing door mechanism

AMD is a car door mechanism system which can be used for any kind of application: from residential buildings up to highly frequented office buildings and hotels.

Due to the modular concept it is possible to optimally adapt the AMD system to the respective application.

The compact built-in dimensions ensure high flexibility especially for modernization purposes.

  • Modularity (it's possible to couple AMD1 and AMD2 to any kind of landing or car doors)
  • Compact design
  • Wide range with 6 door types
  • Optional polyurethane-layered rollers
  • Small numbers of parts result in reduced number of spares and highly lifetime
  • Global product: AMD1 is compliant with the standards EN81, CSA NRTL/C, AS1735.2, Hong Kong “code of practice”
  • Business solutions which offer a good value for the money


Mechanism for landing door

AMD 2 landing door mechanism

AMD is a car door mechanism system which can be used for any kind of application: from residential buildings up to highly frequented office buildings and hotels.

Due to the modular concept it is possible to optimally adapt the AMD system to the respective application.

The compact built-in dimensions ensure high flexibility especially for modernization purposes.

  • Modularity (it's possible to couple AMD1 and AMD2 to any kind of landing or car doors)
  • Compact and robust design
  • Wide range with 9 door types
  • Suitable for single panel weight up to 125 kg
  • Various modernisation components and packages available
  • Global product: AMD2 is compliant with the standards EN81, CSA NRTL/C, AS1735.2, Hong Kong “code of practice”

Mechanism for landing door

Taurus landing door mechanism

Taurus landing door mechanism is the Ideal solution for really heavy traffic, such as large-dimensions and heavy-duty goods lifts, it is designed especially for industry.

The rigid construction of this door allows unlimited openings and a long-lasting performance. 

Mechanism for landing door

Nettuno landing door mechanism


Nettuno landing door mechanism is the perfect solution to take in when it is not possible to fit the hanger over the car roof. Example of such exigency are trade centres, metro stations, airports.

The mechanism is positioned in the lower side increasing the possibility of special choices and solutions.
It's an Ideal solution for prestigious and panoramic installations, too.


Mechanism for landing door

Luna landing door mechanism

LUNA landing door is perfect for prestigious installations when aesthetic and performances are decisive factors.

The wide finishing range and the potential special solutions makes LUNA door suitable to customized architectonic designs.

LUNA is available both in round version with overdriven mechanism (LUNA 3600) and in round version with underdriven mechanism (LUNA 3602)
In particular the mechanism positioning under the door lightens the design of panoramic lifts granting to them a higher aesthetic harmony.

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